The Power Of Career Direct


With more than 31,000 kinds of jobs to choose from, it’s no wonder people make mistakes, like accepting the first offer that comes along, or saying “yes” just because of the salary, or trying to live out their parents’ unfulfilled dreams. Looking at engagement research it is really scary to see often how much cost and productivity this decision impacted upon.

The secret is to figure out what and who employees are and how to use them in making career and education decisions. Career Direct® is a complete assessment and extremely suitable to assist in your talent review, job placement, mentoring, counselling process including rightsizing or even downsizing the organisation..

Do you own your career? The world of work is always changing at an extraordinary pace and all of us face a challenge to keep pace with industry demands, legislative developments and the up-skilling of knowledge and competencies to remain current and relevant in our field. In addition, the global economic downturn has had startling repercussions, not least of which is that jobs are not as secure as they perhaps once were. In light of this individuals should take far stronger ownership of their careers and greater responsibility for their career development. What are the attributes and qualities you need to take the next step in your career?

Career Direct® will help you to discover things about yourself you never dreamed of and learn how to take real action toward finding the career that matches your pattern and work-related attributes and the educational program that will equip you for it. The package contains assessment instruments that pro-file a person's personality, interests, skills, and values

Detailed report.pdf
Job Sampler.pdf
01 First Law of Career Success.pdf
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